Ask these 5 questions when looking for the best RPA tool for your Oracle workflows

Mia Urman
5 min readJul 19, 2023


Part 3 of the 3-Part “Got Bots?” Series

This is part three of a 3-part series. If you missed the first two parts, please check out part one (Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and its many benefits), and part two (selecting the most valuable workflows for RPA).

Hopefully you are a few steps closer on your automation journey. Trust me, behind every successful RPA implementation is a sound strategy, and if I’ve convinced you of the benefits of RPA and got you thinking about the best workflows to get you started, you’re already on track for success. The next step is to choose an RPA tool that’s compatible with your Oracle workflows.

RPA proves most beneficial on complex data entry applications — such as Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) and custom systems developed using Oracle Forms — but the complex and dynamic nature of Oracle systems makes it critical to select the right RPA tool. The incredible gains from RPA can quickly be offset if the wrong tool is deployed.

Many RPA tools can capture Oracle processes and claim to support Oracle EBS. But, success and ROI depend on the tool’s capability to easily capture Oracle workflows, while maintaining the security and stability of the automations.

From my years of experience working with many Oracle-based companies throughout their RPA journey, I’ve identified that the major challenges in Oracle RPA lifecycle management appear in five common areas:

  • Lengthy process capture
  • Lack of Oracle error handling/missing error descriptions
  • Time-consuming script bot maintenance/need for constant re-recording
  • Dynamic pop-ups/hidden fields that disrupt automations
  • Complicated process to move between environments/deployment

Below, I’ve outlined the important questions to ask RPA vendors when assessing an RPA tool’s features and capabilities, and determining if it’s the best tool for your Oracle system’s sensitivities and dynamic nature. To get the greatest ROI from your Oracle RPA strategy, choose a tool with these considerations in mind.

How does the RPA tool capture Oracle workflows?

Traditional RPA solutions capture processes through screen scraping or screen image capture. This often requires selecting and adding each field to an RPA workflow diagram; this can be a lengthy process if workflows span dozens of pages and hundreds of fields. To maximize ROI, focus on solutions that use no/low code process capture, such as those with recording toolbars to capture fields online as the developer steps through the workflow.

Can the automations handle dynamic pop-up windows and hidden fields based on personalizations?

Most out-of-the-box automation tools are not equipped to handle the dynamic nature of EBS. Frequent pop-up windows and hidden fields can cause disruptions during automation. That’s why it’s critical to ask a provider how their tool responds to pop-up windows, customizations, and flexfields, and if custom code is required for each variation. This type of additional development can offset the ROI from RPA.

Is the RPA solution able to return Oracle error messages in real-time?

When experiencing an error, many RPA solutions freeze and return generic system errors or timeouts, requiring the RPA technical team to spend hours investigating and resolving issues. Oracle automations require attention and real-time knowledge about pop-ups, error messages, and status bar and FRM messages to ensure effective debugging and stability. Ask prospective RPA vendors what can be expected when errors occur, so you can assess how great or small the setbacks will be.

Can the automations withstand UI changes, patch installs/versions, and other environmental changes?

As traditional RPA automations are reliant on the item location on a page, any UI variations made from routine patches and upgrades will cause the automation to stall or fail with system errors. In this scenario, the automated process needs to be recaptured. This type of recurrent maintenance can be time-consuming and offset the productivity gains achieved from the RPA. Ask vendors if Oracle flows will be affected by UI changes and patch installs.

Can the RPA tool move easily and quickly between environments — from development to staging to production?

Many RPA tools require each process to be recaptured for each environment. This can negatively impact ROI due to time spent on recapturing flows, the added risks of trying to capture the exact same process in each environment, and the time needed to perform extended QA to validate the flows. Ask vendors what’s required in order to move between environments and into production.

Checklist: What questions should I be asking vendors about Oracle RPA?
Checklist: What questions should I be asking vendors about Oracle RPA?

Download the printable checklist here.


No matter where you are on your automation journey, one thing is for sure: automating your mission-critical Oracle workflows can bring significant gains across your organization. With a global market share steadily growing and expected to rise to $13.74 billion by 2028, more and more organizations are adopting RPA to handle key challenges in the post-Covid era, including inflation, supply chain disruptions, and massive layoffs and turnover. However, when it comes to successful Oracle RPA, it’s important to make an informed and deliberate decision to select the right workflows and the best tool for your organization. The checklists and guidelines I’ve included in this series are meant to help you determine your automation needs and assess the compatibility of RPA tools with your dynamic Oracle system. When done right — with an RPA tool that protects and works efficiently with your Oracle applications — there is no doubt that automation can help take your business to the next level and beyond.

I’ve begun working on a RPA strategy follow-up series. In it, I’m delving deeper into RPA best practices, providing tips for avoiding common pitfalls, and sharing encouraging success stories.

Find the first post in the follow-up series here, and learn how you can maximize ROI from Oracle RPA.



Mia Urman

Mia Urman, CEO of AuraPlayer, Oracle Ace Director and a world-class expert in development tools, Oracle Forms / EBS modernization, mobile, RPA and chat.